
Robert M Pirsig (6 Sept 1928 – 24 Apr 2017) was most famously the author of “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – an Inquiry into Values” (ZMM, 1974) – generally considered the best-selling philosophy book of all time – a best seller that still sells today. He also wrote a follow-up work “Lila – an Inquiry into Morals” (Lila, 1991) in which he elaborated his “Metaphysics of Quality” (MoQ) and his widow and archivist Wendy K Pirsig edited a selection of his work, including unpublished materials, in “On Quality – An Inquiry into Excellence” (OnQ, 2022).

The Robert Pirsig Association (the RPA) exists to support the promotion of, and engagement in, the life, literary and philosophical works of Robert Pirsig and their Quality in relation to wider schools of thought and action, applicable to life, the universe and everything, including the academy or “Church of Reason” itself. The RPA was founded in 2023 as an unincorporated non-profit association run by volunteers at their own costs, in advance of the 50th anniversary of publication of ZMM in 2024. Use the menus above to browse around our resources, news & activities, and to contact us or subscribe to news updates.