Online Resources


[Work in Progress]

RPA – Ongoing Activities – SCOPE


RPA – Online Content – STRUCTURE


We are bringing over into the RPA pages and/or preserving existing content that remains on legacy sites including and/or linking appropriately with ongoing live sites:

“RobertPirsig-dot-org” originally curated by Dr Anthony McWatt, in Liverpool, UK
(The original pages are lost, but we have a full archive, and rescued the original domain name.) / Forum / Discuss originally curated by Mick “Horse” White, in Cambridge, UK
(Resources include another domain name which we may choose to mirror or redirect rather than split into two domains?)

ZMMQuality / VentureArete curated by Professor Henry Gurr, in Aiken, SC, USA
(and shared via David Matos’ ZMMQuality Facebook page.)

Psybertron Pirsig Pages including the much referenced “Pirsig Timeline“, curated by Ian Glendinning in North Yorkshire, UK

Good Metaphysics” curated by David Harding in Melbourne, Australia.

We have an RPA YouTube Channel to host all our Audio-Visual media and live Chautauqua.
(Currently provided by Sevilla King at )

We have an Interactive Discussion Channel for future moderated discussions (TBC).
(Currently a “Discord” Server – hidden until we have organisation & moderation arrangements established.)

We have a Bibliography Database of all available / relevant documents, files and media, independent of where they’re currently hosted and independent of whether they involve Robert Pirsig directly or whether they are otherwise about or relevant to his work.
(Currently mastered by Artun Turan and sharable via Google Drive(s) )

We also have a Database of all Published Versions, Editions and Translations of ZMM and Lila. See C. Bartneck’s 2020 paper “The Design History of Robert M. Pirsig’s Books”. And if you possess or have information on other translated editions, please contribute to our collective effort by adding the information to the linked survey.

Contact us if you’d like to help update and curate these resources or if you simply have material relevant to the RPA which you think we might not be aware of.


In the meantime, here is a public copy of perhaps the most important piece of film of Bob speaking, only weeks after publication of ZMM at the Minneapolis School of Art. In his prime in 1974, this film was only rediscovered when widow Wendy Pirsig was archiving Bob’s life and work and first published only last year on Ted Pirsig’s YouTube channel. Recommended viewing for all.

And hot of the press in 2024 here is the BBC Radio’s #ZMM50th Archive on 4 – “Turning 50: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance“. A tremendously knowledgeable, empathetic and creative documentary by Dr Chris Harding with selected recordings of Bob and interviews with those deeply influence by Bob’s work. Again highly recommended.



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